Friday, October 8, 2010


i went to walnut creek today to see bakerella. she was having a book signing at williams & sonoma. i've never done anything like this before...go meet an author/blogger. this was a first for me.

they let the line in the store for a short question & answer period.

waiting for her to sign my new book

i got my picture taken and the book signed. she said she liked my name...thanks bakerella! now i need to make some more of her cute cakepops. :)

1 comment:

DreamgirlLisa said...

Marisa, I am so flippin' jealous! I had that on my calendar and everything yesterday, I was in Martinez in the morning, I wish I had just gone! Next time you want to do something like that, tell me, I will go w/ you. I've gone to a few book signings over the years and they are fun! I want to get her knew book, I love those pops! I love that you got a picture w/ her!