Wednesday, August 12, 2009

i'm not proud of this

so this is what has been sitting on my living room floor for well over a week. it's all school stuff that i brought home at the beginning of summer so i can plan and get prepared...yeah, right! well it's been in the garage most of summer and just got brought in about a week or so ago. the plan was to go through it and organize things so i can start the new school year smoothly...and so it still sits there. every day i tell myself "i'm going to go through the piles today." and everyday i find something else to do. stuff that's really important like reading smutty books, doing laundry, surfing the internet, taking a know, "important" stuff! i think i'm in denial that summer is coming to an end. if i touch this stuff does it mean summer's over?! to be safe, i better just put it off one more day. ha!ha!

stockton ports baseball

we went to the stockton ports game with the culcasi family on sunday. it was a special day--splash's 5th birthday. all the other mascots in the area came to celebrate with splash and have fun entertaining the crowd that night.

it's your birthday. gonna party like it's your birthday.

the kids went crazy over all the mascots. taking pictures with them
and getting their autographs.

here's kaleigh with thor the stockton thunder hockey team's mascot.

waiting to get some attention from their favorite mascots.

another season of soccer

this past saturday marked the first game of kaleigh's soccer season. she's on the superstars again and val is the assistant coach for the second year. she was glad to see the new uniforms. all the teams wear different colors this year. the past 2 years everyone had the same colors--green and white--2 shirts, so on game day one team was green and the other white. kind of boring. kaleigh was excited to be blue and be with her friends again. let's go superstars!!

g force at the drive-in

every summer we usually try and go to the drive-in. we finally went for the first time last week. the kids were dying to see g force, unlike mom and dad. ha. we always pack up lots of blankets and pillows, snacks and jammies; fold down the seats and watch from the back of the car.

kaleigh and connor having way too much fun.
hey, i thought you guys wanted to see this movie!? :)

connor builds a bear

we took the kids to build a bear workshop in walnut creek after kaleigh's league championship meet to celebrate her amazing swims. the plan was for her to get a new animal...but connor wasn't going to be left out. :) kaleigh chose a cute jack russell terrier which she named russell. connor chose a panda bear which he named po like the one in the movie kung fu panda.

smiling for mom!

connor waiting patiently to stuff his panda.

this was the first time connor actually wanted to step on the pedal to stuff his bear. he was always too scared before of the noise, such a big boy now.

giving his bear a squeeze to see if it's huggable enough.

blowing kisses on the little heart before it goes inside his bear. aww! cute!

combing and fluffing his bear to make it look great.

all done! he wanted to carry both boxes. he was so proud. :)

Monday, August 3, 2009

my messy boy

after spending a few hours cleaning house, this is what i found when i took a peak in connor's room. yikes!! he was so proud of himself...mommy wasn't too happy.

swim team pasta feed

last friday the aquaknights had a pasta dinner for the kids and their families to get ready for the league championships swim meet this past weekend. kaleigh had a good time eating and talking with her friends.

this was the night that the kids got their awards for the swim-a-thon. we knew kaleigh had raised a lot of money for the team but we found out she was the 3rd highest money earner with $343! she was excited to hear that. kids who raised over $300 for the team are invited to an ice cream party with the coaches and were awarded with a certificate to aladino's pizza, a team tattoo, and a certificate. wow!

she also earned another award for swimming the most laps in her age group. she swam the most laps of the 7&8 girls--60 laps in 45 minutes. for that challenge she earned a new backpack, swimsuit, t-shirt, water bottle, team tattoo, sharpie marker, and a medal. she was so surprised to see all her prizes. way to go, kaleigh!!

who wants an otter pop?!

if you're at our house it's connor and val! this has been their staple all summer. when i was little my grandma had these all the time at her house for us grandkids. i couldn't get enough of them. funny, because today i have no desire to eat one. not sure why. that's ok though, that just means more for connor and val!

these are the way they looked when i was little--big pictures of the cool otters with the funny names; they don't look like that today.

the guys like to sit on the couch and eat their favorite flavors. notice that val has more than one at a time! just can't get enough! ha!