Sunday, January 27, 2008
stormy weather
when the weather outside is gloomy and gray, that's a good reason to stay inside for the day. we're still in our jammies, taking it slow. maybe we'll see how many movies we can watch while snuggling under a blanket with hot chocolate! maybe we'll play some games together instead of doing chores! whatever we choose i know it will be a relaxing sunday together. :)
Sunday, January 20, 2008
sporty sunday!
so today we did a little cosmic bowling -- black lights, neon colors, and cool music. the kids had fun. connor bowled until the popcorn arrived, which was during the fourth frame. kaleigh took over for connor and ended up getting the highest score out of all of us! by the time the game was over connor was ready for a nap. back home we went so we could see the last of the packers/giants football game (well...val watched. i was in the same room.)
scrappy saturday
nikki came over for a day of scrapbooking. val took the kids for the whole day (thanks val!) while nikki and i got to spread out all of our supplies and work. there was nothing to worry about other than, "do we have enough chocolate and diet pepsi?" here's a look at what i worked on.
Friday, January 18, 2008
ready for the weekend!
woohoo! so glad that the weekend is finally here. we've got a few plans and hopefully, we can do them all in the next three days. tomorrow nikki and i are planning to scrap all day at my house. how much will we get done??? who knows. but i do know that we always have a great time. the kids are with val for the day--going to the park is high on kaleigh's list of things to do with her daddy. :) val wants to go to monterey on sunday so we can go to the aquarium. kaleigh can hardly wait! i hope everyone is feeling better to enjoy the weekend.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
look what i got!
phew! i made it!!
i made it through the first week back at work...and working out each morning! the working out has been much easier than the work thing. there's always so much to do. but it was good to get back to the kids and teaching. yesterday i worked late at school and stayed up late doing much of nothing. and of course, i slept in this morning. it all felt so good!
Monday, January 7, 2008
Back to work!?!?
well, vacation is officially over and life is back "on." back to school. back to waking up early. i couldn't sleep all night. i kept thinking about school and getting up early. for 2 whole, wonderful weeks i had stayed up late and slept in late. life was good! this morning i woke up before my 4:45 a.m.!!! i headed off to the Y for some much-needed exercise. i can't believe how great an hour of exercise made me feel today--all day! it definitely was what i needed to get me back to work.
Friday, January 4, 2008
what to do on a rainy day...
well, the rain came down, down, down today...all day. so, what are we supposed to do on a wet and windy day?? oh, we found a few things...most seemed to require comfy sweats or jammies!
i scrapbooked, watched a movie, surfed the internet...
after val worked, he came home to "work" on a puzzle...
connor did...well, i should say, what didn't connor do?!?!
kaleigh scrapbooked with me, played with connor, watched movies, read books, and couldn't believe it when it was time for bed. well, tomorrow is another day! :)
Thursday, January 3, 2008 it begins!
a new year and a blog?!?! i can't avoid the new year but i have been thinking for quite some time about this blog tempting. i have been known to lurk on other blogs and read about the happenings of their daily lives...lisa, becky, cathy, donna...the list goes on. as if i know these ladies!!! ha! maybe someday...right, nikki???? ha!ha! so, let the new year begin! and this blog
too! :)
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